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Our Team

   We started a page on Facebook in September of 2015 as a way of sharing positive posts and encouragement with our friends, family and the facebook community. Not long after, we accidentally bumped into a link that allowed us to create this website. We are dedicated to keeping our minds and souls healthy and helping others find the light in times when they may only see darkness.

I'm Valerie

 I'm the horse in this duo. I gallop through life, leaping hurdles and ditches, motivated by my own drive and determination. I have a 'never give up' attitude that helps me keep a steady gait in life. I am a leader yet comfortable enough to follow when someone else takes the reins. I strive to improve myself and hope to help others do the same. 

I'm Luke

I'm an artist. I sometimes donate my time and talent to this website for my Mother, Valerie. I can be a little bit butterfly when I am feeling creative and a little bit horse when I need to win a race. I enjoy giving of my abilities to help uplift anyone who benefits.

I'm Facundo

I'm the butterfly in this duo. A long time ago I took the butterfly as a personal symbol almost on a whim without realizing how much it connected with the best qualities in me.
I float through life, letting the currents of the wind help me reach my goals. I emerged transformed from the darkest places of my life and I aim to be a soothing presence that lets others do the same.

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