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If it's meant to be you'll go get it!

Today, while browsing facebook, I saw a curious post with an even more puzzling statement. It read: I'm constantly stuck between "If it's meant to be it'll happen" & "If you want it... go get it".

I understand having that confusion- I have had it many times myself, but meditating on the enigma leads to an incredible and enlightening answer.

You can't truly have one without the other.

If you want something and your whole being sings in delight at the prospect of achieving it then it is exactly what is meant to be, and chances are you will want it with a fire that motivates you to do anything and everything it takes to get it. BUT, do you really want it?

Do you want it in a way that you can't stop thinking about it? The thought of it should excite you. It should make you burst with energy, sometimes even a feeling of nervousness. Nervousness is a positive indication that what you are thinking about doing is important to you.

In my experience I have found that the things I want with an exuberance are the goals I always reach, so far, without fail. They are meant to be in my life or I would have never wanted them so mightily.

If your goals aren't being realized yet, maybe you should consider that either you don't want them fiercely enough or fear is standing in your way.

A lukewarm desire doesn't have the remarkable focus needed to pull your dreams into reality. When giving birth to life, it requires more than an uninvolved nudge. The act of bringing forth your dreams requests that you feel the need to bear down, to exert pressure.

While this sounds like a bundle of effort, the truth is, you do it every day without regarding it. Every move you make throughout your day is actualized by a desire in some form, There is a will to do what you must to get yourself over the bridge from where you are to what you want, from getting out of bed, to stopping for coffee, to getting home from work.

The truth is, most people get around each day without genuinely wanting much of anything beyond getting through the day unintended and then wonder why they don't live the life of their dreams.

The answer is simple; it's because they aren't living their dream. It instead is some auto-piloted life, some pre-fabricated, unconsidered, trivial and accidental life. Lukewarm. Unfocused. Unmoved and disenchanted.

Fear could be a wall standing as a gate across the bridge to your intent. It's possible you doubt yourself, you don't believe you deserve to have what you long for, you fear failing if you try, or any number of reasons fear has crept in and keeps you from creating your reality in a way that knocks your socks off.

There is only one thing left to do with fear.

Refuse it.

It will kick and scream like a small child who wants candy at the check out counter, but don't feed it the candy. Push it outside and lock the door behind you and when it knocks, begging to be let back in, tell it "Nobody's home!" There is no room in your desire for doubt or fear.

You can have anything you ardently want. If you want it with a passion that springs up in your heart and soul, and you refuse fear, it has no choice but to come into being. It is what is meant to be, it will happen and you will easily have the impulse and determination to go get it!

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