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Did You Take Something for It?

A common conversation in my house goes something like this:

"I have such a headache today."

"Did you take something for it?"

"No" followed by a silly look that says 'Why didn't I think of that?'.

Why do we sometimes insist on complaining about things we have solutions for? Are we so distracted that we fail to notice there are tools at our disposal when something is broken or dysfunctional? Is it laziness or just a need for love in the form of sympathy? Why not take the opportunity to love ourselves instead and fix our internal woes?

So many times we tell others our issues which just keeps us focused on what we think is wrong around us. Most times we have a metaphorical bottle of aspirin sitting right in front of us, but it takes someone else to remind us to open the bottle and fix our "headaches".

Before I began conditioning my mind to stay positive I was a chronic complainer. I still struggle at times to catch myself falling back into that old habit, but that is part of growth and I know I will improve the more I practice looking at the brighter spots of my life, rather than what I feel is less than perfect or lacking.

There are still times I need to be asked, "Did you take something for it?" but I have noticed I have gotten better at asking myself this question when I realize I am belly-aching about things within my power to heal.

It's a great practice to stay self aware and correct ourselves when we discover we are looking for external comfort and sympathetic attention for things originating inside our own minds. Consider how many times we believe other people are making us feel angry, irritated, sad, judged, or generally disliked. How does anyone else have the power to make us feel anything? Who is truly responsible for what we feel?

We are.

Most of us have this weird bullying system wired up inside us. I don't know where it comes from, how it got there, or why we hang onto it, but I do know how damaging it can be to allow it to constantly bash us. The voice that spews negative comments, doubts, and fears belongs to us. We have the power to shut it up at any time we choose, yet it runs wild chattering away in the background causing us to create false beliefs, one after the other.

It's long past time to take something for it. Take notice of it, reach for that part of you that loves, forgives, and has compassion and take a double dose of it. Counter that nagging headache with a chill pill made of encouragement, gentleness, and lots of self administered hugs and don't look for someone else to diagnose you and prescribe something.

It is up to us to keep our minds happy. Others can support us in that endeavor but no one else can take an aspirin and get rid of our pains. We have to do it ourselves if we hope to feel better. Always seek the opportunity to ask yourself, "Did I take something for it?" and your ails will begin to subside.

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