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Thirty Seconds to Happiness

Happiness is not a destination, it's a state of mind.

Try something. Just humor me. Right this minute, stop everything you are doing, thinking, going through, recalling, and feeling. Now say to yourself, "for just thirty seconds I am going to be happy".

Next, for thirty seconds focus on actually feeling happy. Think of anything that makes you smile, anything you are thankful for, sink yourself into a dream that has always brought you to a place of joy. You are only allowed to think happy thoughts, so be aware and if you find yourself being negative, bitter, doubtful, fearful, cynical, sad or any other ridiculously contradictory feeling, push it away.

Imagine yourself tossing it in a fire, a trash compactor, a garbage disposal. Imagine anything that gets rid of that negativity and makes you feel great thinking of doing it.

Think of your first kiss, the time you won for your team, that pat on the back you got a work, the day you moved into your first home, anything that brings you back to that good feeling. Now hold onto it, bask in that glow. It feels wonderful.

You just chose to be happy.

The trick is to condition your mind to be happy at any time you want, which should be every second you can. Being happy has far more benefits than simply feeling good. It can boost your over-all confidence, help you connect with people who are important in your life, keep you on track to achieving your goals, and even prolong your life!

When you choose happy you get better at bouncing back from stressful challenges in life. Keeping an optimistic and hopeful attitude brings to you a peace in knowing that dark clouds will never follow you around, as long as you choose to use the sunshine in your mind.

We all get down in the dumps at times, we all have worries and fears and sometimes they can dig into us and hold on like cockleburs on a pair of socks. If we allow those thoughts to stay with us we can get stuck in an endless loop of misery.

If you can start with only thirty seconds of happiness it will be an easy thirty seconds of not feeling awful. Eventually thirty seconds can grow into a lifetime. It's your choice to be happy and always has been within your power to decide to smile or to frown.

Use your power to choose.

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